Інші публікації

  1. Savytska A. Catalogue of specimens of genus Bazzania Gray (Lepidoziaceae, Jungermanniales) deposited in the State Museum of Natural History NASU, Lviv, Ukraine. Catalogue of the digitized collections, deposited in the State Museum of Natural History, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Iss. 1. Herbarium, entomological & mammological collections. Lviv, 2023. P.5-37.

  2. Kuzyarin O. Catalogue of specimens of Asplenium viride Huds. (Aspleniaseae, Polypodiopsida, Polypodiophyta) deposited in the State Museum of Natural History NASU, Lviv, Ukraine. Catalogue of the digitized collections, deposited in the State Museum of Natural History, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Iss. 1. Herbarium, entomological & mammological collections. Lviv, 2023. P.38-74.

  3. Hushtan K. Catalogue of specimens of genus Leucorrhinia Brittinger, 1850 (Insecta, Odonata) deposited in the State Museum of Natural History NASU, Lviv, Ukraine. Catalogue of the digitized collections, deposited in the State Museum of Natural History, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Iss. 1. Herbarium, entomological & mammological collections. Lviv, 2023. P.75-100.

  4. Rizun V., Diedus V. Catalogue of specimens of Rhysodes sulcatus (Fabricius, 1787) (Coleoptera, Carabidae) deposited in the State Museum of Natural History NASU, Lviv, Ukraine. Catalogue of the digitized collections, deposited in the State Museum of Natural History, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Iss. 1. Herbarium, entomological & mammological collections. Lviv, 2023. P.101-110.

  5. Rizun V. Catalogue of specimens of Odacantha melanura (Linnaeus, 1767) (Coleoptera, Carabidae) deposited in the State Museum of Natural History NASU, Lviv, Ukraine. Catalogue of the digitized collections, deposited in the State Museum of Natural History, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Iss. 1. Herbarium, entomological & mammological collections. Lviv, 2023. P.111-123.

  6. Diedus V. Catalogue of minute tree-fungus beetle specimens (Coleoptera, Ciidae) deposited in the State Museum of Natural History NASU, Lviv, Ukraine. Catalogue of the digitized collections, deposited in the State Museum of Natural History, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Iss. 1. Herbarium, entomological & mammological collections. Lviv, 2023. P.124-169.

  7. Yanytsky T. Catalogue of specimens of genus Habroloma Thomson, 1864 (Coleoptera, Buprestidae) deposited in the State Museum of Natural History NASU, Lviv, Ukraine. Catalogue of the digitized collections, deposited in the State Museum of Natural History, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Iss. 1. Herbarium, entomological & mammological collections. Lviv, 2023. P.170-177.

  8. Serediuk H. Catalogue of brown lacewings specimens (Neuroptera, Hemerobiidae, Wesmaelius) deposited in the State Museum of Natural History NASU, Lviv, Ukraine. Catalogue of the digitized collections, deposited in the State Museum of Natural History, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Iss. 1. Herbarium, entomological & mammological collections. Lviv, 2023. P.178-194.

  9. Konovalova I. Catalogue of specimens of Bombus muscorum (Linnaeus, 1758) (Hymenoptera, Apidae) deposited in the State Museum of Natural History NASU, Lviv, Ukraine. Catalogue of the digitized collections, deposited in the State Museum of Natural History, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Iss. 1. Herbarium, entomological & mammological collections. Lviv, 2023. P.195-225.

  10. Bokotey A., Savytska A., Rizun V. Catalogue of specimens of Felidae family (Mammalia, Carnivora) specimens deposited in the State Museum of Natural History NASU, Lviv, Ukraine. Catalogue of the digitized collections, deposited in the State Museum of Natural History, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Iss. 1. Herbarium, entomological & mammological collections. Lviv, 2023. P.226-245.

  11. Каталог колекції метеликів Івана Верхратського.1-е видання / Автори: Г.Г. Гуштан, К.В. Гуштан, В.Б. Різун, Т.М. Щербаченко – Державний природознавчий музей НАН України. – Львів, 2023. – 219 с. [Електронне видання]
  12. Marushchak O., Hushtan H., Hushtan K. Materials of the project "Open biodiversity data: serving nature conservation in Ukraine". Version 1.11. Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (NGO). 2023. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/95qy47 accessed via GBIF.org on 2023-01-15.
  13. Novikov A. Rare, relict, range-limited, and problematic plant taxa in the Ukrainian Carpathians and adjacent territories from the LWS herbarium. Version 1.1. State Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. GBIF occurrence dataset, 2023. https://doi.org/10.15468/9y2my2
  14. Novikov A. Specimens of vascular plants prioritized for the digitization in LWS herbarium. Version 1.2. State Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. GBIF occurrence dataset, 2023. https://doi.org/10.15468/58zxna
  15. Serediuk H., Paniw M. Comparative life-history responses of lacewings to changes in temperature. 2023. 21 p. (Preprint. California Digital Library). URL: https://ecoevorxiv.org/repository/view/6217/
  16. Бокотей А., Мєдвєдєва І. Птахи. Дністровський регіональний ландшафтний парк імені Сергія Дідича / Ред. І.І. Дмитраш-Вацеба. Івано-Франківськ: Лілея-НВ, 2023. С 76-80.
  17. Проць Б., Стрямець Г., Федорова Н., Кийко А. Природний заповідник «Розточчя»: кластер «Верещиця» об’єкта світової природної спадщини ЮНЕСКО «Букові праліси і давні ліси Карпат та інших регіонів Європи, Львів.- 2023. 16с.